Photo by Amy Touchette
Ultimate Self Confidence! Coaching -
I created my Ultimate Self Confidence! coaching curriculum in 2004 when I taught my first workshop on the subject at The New York School of Burlesque. Since then I have added a wide variety of versions of my original workshop and have taught groups in Finland, England, Vienna, Sweden, Canada and the U.S. from Alaska back to NYC. I’ve expanded my One on One Confidence Coaching to not only in person sessions but to video chat sessions as well. Wherever you are…whoever you are…I would be honored to help you acquire the tools you can add to your kit that will lead you to take steps towards your dreams that are a little bigger than what you’re comfortable with now. Let’s have tea with your fears!
Private One on One Confidence Coaching - I offer in person or video chat sessions. The first session is 90 minutes in length and includes my “Getting Started” worksheet to complete prior to the session to set us up for success. Any session after the first one is 60 minutes long. All sessions are concluded a week later with a 15 minute wrap up phone call and email support is available during that week. My coaching tools and techniques are intended for you to feel supported as well as learning how to coach yourself towards ways of being or things you’d like to pursue that feel too overwhelming or scary right now.
Ultimate Self Confidence for Everyone!
This workshop experience provides a safe space to create systems of support for yourself and others. There is an 8 student minimum and can be timed to accommodate 35 people. The workshop is open to ALL expressions of gender and professions for people 18 years of age and up. An interactive lecture combined with small group exercises will lead participants to a place of discovery towards the fears that may be holding them back and tools to dismantle them. This class requires comfortable seating, a private space and all of my workshops must be in wheelchair accessible spaces.
Ultimate Self Confidence for Cisgendered Women
This workshop is offered as a healing space for people who are cisgendered women, (cisgender: denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex) ages 18 and over. Attendees are encouraged to participate in a series of group exercises that mimic the backstage spaces of the Burlesque world in a sometimes intense and always loving attempt to heal their bodies from the omnipresent shame and scrutiny that society wraps them in. A magical and supportive atmosphere is created through the bonding experience of the group so that every edition of this workshop is unique. This class has an 8 person minimum and 15 person maximum. This workshop requires a room with comfortable temperature control, seating, no mirrors (covered is fine), restroom access, doors that lock or are guarded and must be wheelchair accessible.
Ultimate Self Confidence for LGBTQIA+Questioning Youth!
An interactive lecture turning into a group discussion around the subject of courage. I use the tools from my curriculum in a way that engages the students into sharing sources of courage as well as handing over tools for them to continue to mine the confidence needed to move forward. Age ranges offered from 12-25 and class size can be from 4-25 people. This is typically a 2 hour workshop and requires seating, screen projection set up and also must be wheelchair accessible. Guests under 18 must be accompanied by an adult (guardian or program leader).
*note: I offer a range of workshop experiences and anyone seeking an experience I do not offer yet is welcome to email me and we can discuss the possibility. I am committed to creating safe spaces for EVERYONE and ALL bodies to recover from low self esteem and thrive in new ways of being.*
Photo by Christopher Scalzi 2023